If your company is trading actively but you don’t know whom to trust your accounts we are happy to introduce our professional team of high-qualified accountants to you.
With Company Consultants BGLtd. you will get first class accounting services from tax planning advice to monthly accounting and VAT services.
We will assign for you a personal account manager, so you will always be in touch with somebody who knows your personal and company needs and will be able to manage your accounts professionally.
We offer wide range of accounting services such as:
- periodical and annual reports
- VAT registration/deregistration
- monthly VAT reports
- annual financial report
- tax planning
- tax filing
- tax declarations
- wages and national security
- annual planning
and many others in compliance with the Bulgarian Accounting Act and the Bulgarian and international financial reporting standards.
As every business is strictly specific contact us and we will work out together the best service for your needs.

We realize how difficult could be to have a company in a foreign country and to take good care of it not knowing the local laws, rules and terms, which are changing probably too often. We know how difficult is to find a proper solicitor, accountant, architect, translator or insurance company, sometimes all at the same time. We have already been through it...
That's why we have created...
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